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AT001: Macro CD
AT001: Macro CD


This CD contains many macros and templates used to facilitate transcription of dictation. (Requires MS Word)
Price: $40.00

AT002: Sample Forms for Documentation
AT002: Sample Forms for Documentation


Included are forms for subjective and objective evaluations. These forms are also available on CD on the CAOA Forms & New Forms CD. Purchase this item if you don't have access to a computer.
Price: $30.00

AT003: CAOA Forms & New Forms CD
AT003: CAOA Forms & New Forms CD


Companion to the textbook, "The Clinical Application of Outcomes Assessment", this CD contains the outcome assessment forms included in the text appendix and new forms released since the publication of the text in 2000. The text forms include documentation options, questionnaires, and outcomes management tools. Using the CD allows you personalize and modify the forms as desired. The new forms section includes 12 subjective outcomes tools and 4 objective tools, including a cervical-spine-specific QFCE, a sports screen QFCE, and a pre-emplyment QFCE. Over 2000 hours of development time went into the creation of this CD. Compatible with Windows 95 and higher.
Price: $150.00

AT004: Worker's Compensation (WC) Documentation
AT004: Worker's Compensation (WC) Documentation


Additional outcomes assessment forms including work satisfaction tools, Job Demands questionnaires and Pre-Placement Examinations.
Price: $20.00

AT005: Clinical Documentation for PI Cases
AT005: Clinical Documentation for PI Cases


Persoal Injury forms for Accident History, Expanded History, etc. This will assit you in preparing for depositions, trial, and report writing. An article entitled, "Whiplash: Cervical Musculoligamentous Injuries" is included, as well as accident reconstruction information.
Price: $40.00

AT006: Impairment Rating Notes & Forms
AT006: Impairment Rating Notes & Forms


These notes are a great suppplement to the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, and include forms needed in the evaluation process. Please note: The AMA Guides are still needed to actually perform an impairment rating.
Price: $30.00

AT007: Pre-employment QFCE CD
AT007: Pre-employment QFCE CD


An examination process in electronic format that facilitates the determination of the physical abilities of a worker. This includes some of the QFCE tests as well as other physical examination tests on included in the core QFCE.
Price: $55.00


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