404 Eureka St
Ripon WI 54971
(920) 748-3644
The following is a list of Dr. Yeomans' publications, most of which are available for online review. Click on the publications to access them.
Yeomans S. The Assessment of Cervical Intersegmental Mobility Before and After Spinal Manipulative Therapy. J. Manipulative Physiol Ther 1992; 15(2):106-114.
Publications: "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - A Chiropractic Perspective". Aspen Publishing; July, 1993 and included as a chapter (21-6) in the text "Chiropractic Family Practice", editor Joseph Sweere.
Submitted to the publisher 5-31-95: Outcomes Assessment of the Rehabiltation Patient, ed. David Stude, D.C. In: A Health Care Professionals Guide to Spinal Rehabilitation, Appleton & Lange Publishers (Book chapter - due July, 1999).
"DC Tracts" Chiropractic Management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Published spring, 1996 (Aspen Publishing).
Yeomans S, Lebenson C. Quantitaive functional Capacity Evaluation: The Missing Link to Outcomes Assessment. Top Clin Chiro 1996 3(1): 32-43.
Yeomans S, Liebenson C. Functional Capacity Evaluation and Chiropractic Case Management. Top Clin Chiro 1996; 3(3): 15-25.
Yeomans S, Liebenson C. Applying Outcomes Management into Clinical Practice. J. Neuromusculoskel. System. Summer 1997; 5(2): 1-14.
Text Chapter 5: Yeomans S, Fitzthum J. Proving the Existence of Chronic Pain. Wiley Law Publications. 1998 Wiley Expert Witness Update: New Developments in Personal Injury Litigation. 1998, pp5.1-5.20.
The Clinical Application of Outcomes Assessment. Ed.: Yeomans, SG. (Stamford, CT:) Appleton & Lange. August 1999.
Liebenson C, Chapman S, Yeomans SG. How do I justify the medical necessity of my care? Part 1: Overview. Dynamic Chiropractic 5-17-99; 17(11): 18-21.
"DC Tracts" Industrial Work Injuries: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Published summer, 1999 (Aspen Publishing).